Thursday, September 29, 2005

The storm is almost over

I write this with the risk factors for obstetric conditions muddled in my head into some sort of incomprehensible list. If anyone ever asks you for a complication of any obstetric condition say intra-uterine growth retardation (IUGR), you have a high chance of being correct.

The tension of waiting outside the exam hall like cattle awaiting their fate, last minute panic as some smarty pants tells you some random fact apparently everybody knows. The written exam for MBBS O& G finals was today. It was o.k (vague medic term meaning the you don't know how you did). Afterwards we exchanged tales of disappointment and sceptism regarding our performance. Statuatory medic behaviour, I believe it is a primitive reflex that evolves with each generation. There is solidarity in uncertainty and it feels like the torture of exams will never end.

Alas tomorrow, following the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), a brief glimpse of freedom and relief before the next set of attachments begin on Monday.

1 comment:

Evon said...

I know how it feels to be waiting for your exam/OSCE to start. I hate it!
I'm sure it must be worse for you O&G people cos you've got so much more to learn than us.

You're right, we'll avoid talking about our exams + medic talk when we meet up after exams!