Friday, January 05, 2007

New Start? New World? Don't Think So.

Happy New Year.

My new year was spent eating ice cream, watching DVDs and reading magazines- very exciting. After hours of deliberation over which house party or overpriced celebration to attend I thought sod it, I cannot be bothered. It was nice waking up without embarrassing flashbacks or a hangover.

Why do people need more than one mobile phone? Some people have three. I can understand if you are a businessperson but otherwise it seems a bit excessive. Friends say this number is variable but number 2 never changes so save both.

I saw De Ja Vu with Denzel- I always play an FBI agent wearing sunglasses in blockbuster movies- Washington. It was action packed with a convoluted plot but the cheesy ending let it down in my humble opinion. I was surprised they cast an unknown actress as the female lead.

My experience of The Holiday was an exercise in the persistent rolling of my eye balls. An overacting Cameron Diaz with a cocky Jude Law playing the character Hugh Grant got paid for a while back and Kate Winslet pretending the other two can act. Jack Black is rubbish in anything. After King Kong's laughable performance he should know better than taking on a serious role.

Primark open a new superstore in Marble Arch in Spring 2007 and it looks huge. A message on the film board in Odeon, west London reading 'Rose Will You Marry Me' made me smile. What a romantic. Let's hope she says yes, I would.

I'm not going to bother with new year's resolutions because they always get broken but I want to manage my finances better. I got thinking. Why do we as human being hate each other? If people of the same country or origin cannot get on what hope is there for world peace.

This week doctors prescribed oestrogen therapy and performed a hysterectomy and breast bud removal at the request of parents of a disabled child in the States. The treatment was published in this journal and after consultation with Seattle Children's Hospital's ethical Committee and an expert in disability law they decided on the treatment. The news of the 'Ashley treatment' was controversial with her parents defending their decision. I can understand it must be difficult to care for a severely disabled child. I wonder if it is appropriate that the public can see their daughter's pictures yet they choose to remain anonymous. One could argue she has the same right to privacy and dignity. I welcome any thoughts or comments.


Evon said...

Would Ashley's quality of life or dignity be altered by these radical treatments?
I'm not sure how much emotion Ashley is capable of experiencing as her doctors say that she has the awareness of only a baby.
If she is incapable of developing any complex emotions regarding the loss of her breasts/ periods, then I guess her psychological wellbeing is not really the concern here.
However, whether this radical Ashley treatment will benefit her physically is really what causes the controversy.
I'm not sure to what extent this treatment can benefit Ashley physically.
The fact that she would be less likely to develop bed sores is the only medical benefit which I can find from what has been described in the article.
Ashley might not have been able to lie comfortably if she grew heavier, but the parents were supposed to help making sure that she did, even if that meant that the parents had to manoevre her every hour and every day for the rest of their lives. I've seen parents who have to care for children with severe learning disability/ brain damage and I do believe that it's both mentally and physically exhausting, to an extent that we cannot imagine ourselves. I repsect these parents immensely. Unfortunately tragic things happen and if you were prepared to be a parent, you would be prepared to look after your child no matter how difficult it is.
Subjecting a child to big operations so that she could be made easier to look after is just not something I can agree with.

I guess a lot of the controversy also comes from the fact that humans are playing God once again and altering nature's course. Well, I have no problem with that. We play God all the time by electing politicians who decide to end masses of otherwise healthy human lives by starting wars.

jadefox said...

Thanks for your comment. You raise a very interesting issue regarding her psychological and physical welfare.