Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Halls Are Decked With Holly. Whatever.

The course was very useful in improving my practical techniques (catheterisation, central/peripheral line insertion, airway management etc). It was intensive with many lectures and few breaks. A&E was really busy this week and I can honestly say I have gained more from this attachment than some of the previous placements put together. The only downside is that sometimes we don't get to witness the outcome for many patients. I tend to ask the doctors a couple of days later.

As I walked home in the gale force winds that punctuated the weather this week, I was transported to Malaysia's hot beaches in the East for a brief second. The pangs in my heart... Another course at the end of this week which was extremely well organised and invaluable for finals and postgraduate medical training. I legged it at the end to attend Christmas dinner. The music was jazzy, food delicious and company delightful but I was so tired from the past couple of weeks, I didn't stay too late. The next morning I attempted to cobble together the numerous piles of items I had set aside during the week and packed to go home.

My friend and I were discussing the Christmas holidays. Yes it is nice to have a break but families start to grate on you after a prolonged period of contact with no public transport or escape plan. I actually am not bothered about presents, wish I could remove the stresses of Christmas shopping and sleep for a considerable period. It was my friend's birthday night. We had a themed party with gifts, games and forfeits. The lateral thinkers out there may understand but I don't want to give too much away. We went clubbing afterwards and had one of the best nights ever. What is it about arrogant guys? We hate to love them. I know women have a reputation for being catty but really if you are going to wear dental floss out in public expect a few stares from either sex. I am all for people dressing how they like but I'd rather be relatively clothed. Have I missed the uprise in the trend to go out in winter without jackets?

When no one in the crowd is dancing it is possible they don't like the music. In contrast to most venues, where you want to actually get on the decks because the DJ is bordering incompetent. The DJing and music selection was faultless and the crowd were up for it.

The best line this week at 04:30 a.m. Are you cold? I can help you keep warm.

I got home at 5 a.m and woke up feeling great. Do I have to go in? Hell No! Roll on the holidays. I am contemplating a last minute trip to Hogmanay in Edinburgh.

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