Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Can someone prescribe a mood stabiliser for my blog?

The budget for December is spiralling out of control mainly thanks to transport costs. Train journeys to and from GP placement, surprise day trips to random hospitals and general tube fares. You get the picture. I will be spending most of my time with my doctor colleagues in the future. As I sat amidst the F2 doctors, some who thought they were so 'hot', I actually got incredibly irritated. What is the big deal? You were a final year or F1 two years ago so get over it. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes as the final years spent considerable conversation time listing their entire foundation school rankings. Rumours of hospital closures don't help.

A chance meeting with an A-level student on some sixth form access to medicine course thingy brought a cynical smile to my lips. ''I'm definitely going to put this university down as first choice''. Naive, young lady. I would advise going somewhere else, preferably with more of a social life than the I'm a Celebrity Z-listers put together. I suppose it doesn't matter because after 3rd year theoretically your holidays and social life disappear.

What is it with grave yards being used as parks? Don't let your children and pets play on any bit of grass, there are dead people under there. I wandered Oxford Street and the Christmas feeling isn't quite there yet maybe it's better at night.
I had a play with my friend's HP photo smart printer (Photo) and it's official I want one. The ink cartridges can be pricey in store but it's all about online shopping. A couple of years back people didn't even know about kelkoo or play.It has taken so long for the entire population to jump on the bandwagon. Also if anyone has a Chanel quilted lambskin bag lying around, feel free to post it to me. A girl can dream..... I had the i-pod conversation with someone this week. Why do you have to justify having any other mp3 player? I'm sorry, superior features versus an mp3 player that looks girly with minuscule storage capacity? Tough one and don't even mention i-tunes.
Check out this song by NDubz. It is sick.

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