Monday, October 03, 2005

The Wearer of Many Hats

The Lion and the Jewel production was brilliant. The book came to life with the wonderful choreography, rhythmic music and a vibrant set. Wole Soyinka at the age of 23, tackled issues we still face in 2005 with humour and brutal honesty. His use of words is nothing short of genius. Soyinka has reignited my love affair with Nigerian Literature and I begin by revisiting Chinua Achebe's African Trilogy.

My rotation in General Practice (GP) began today. Some students in my group had negative views of GPs while I on the other hand prefer to remain open minded. How can you judge something you have never done? I was terrified of being flung in at the deep end, the Bachelor of Science (BSc) year does wonders for erasing knowledge of clinical medicine and O&G can only take you so far. The patients and practice staff were all really welcoming and my GP is brilliant so I needn't have worried. The scope of presenting complaints is very broad and it is quite interesting working out the diagnosis from the symptoms as opposed to knowing the clinical details before hand as in Hospital medicine. The GP wears many hats- doctor, friend, confidante and healer of the community. It is a tough act and one I am not entirely sure I would like to perform in the future. Never say never.

Ronnie Scott's this week. I have never been and judging by the rules and regulations they supply when you book the tickets it should be an interesting night....

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